Sunday 8 September 2013

Beautiful morning at the Botanic Gardens

Since I started blogging for Vegan MoFo over at I've been itching to post non-food related things as well, but I don't want to annoy people who are following me. Since most people are aiming to post at least five times a week the last thing readers need is to be bogged down with non-food related ramblings, so even though I wasn't going to do anything with this, I've changed my mind.

This morning was a beautiful crisp and sunny start to the day, and my significant other (B) and I finally got to the University of Leicester Botanic Garden (I've been meaning to visit this place for about 12 years! We tried earlier in the summer but it was just about to close).

If I'd have known how flipping great this place is, I would have been there WAY sooner! It has loads of really lovely stuff!

They were hosting a sculpture exhibition, and some of it was pretty nice, but the huge variety of plants and trees was the most impressive thing about the place.

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